In the fast-paced world of business, effective communication is key to success. The ability to express yourself clearly and confidently in English can open doors to new opportunities, facilitate collaborations, and enhance your professional relationships. To help you navigate the world of business English with finesse, here are five essential phrases that every aspiring business professional should add to their arsenal:
1. "Let's touch base."
This phrase is commonly used to suggest a meeting or check-in with someone to discuss a specific matter. It's a friendly and professional way to propose a conversation.
Can we touch base tomorrow?
I'd like to touch base with you next week.
Dialogue: Colleague: Hi, Jane. I think we should touch base on the upcoming presentation. Jane: Absolutely, let's schedule a meeting for tomorrow morning.
2. "I'll follow up on that."
When you want to indicate that you will look into something or provide more information on a particular topic at a later time, this phrase is quite handy. It conveys responsibility and ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.
Let me follow up on that and I'll let you know.
Can you follow up on the quote we sent the client?
Dialogue: Client: Can you provide more details on the pricing options? Professional: Certainly! I'll follow up on that and send you an email with the information by the end of the day.
3. "Please keep me in the loop."
This expression is used to request that you are kept informed about the progress or developments of a project, task, or situation. It shows that you value being up-to-date and involved in the ongoing discussions.
Do you mind keeping me in the loop too? I can it is not my project but it affects my department.
Don't worry about not getting updated. I promise to keep you in the loop.
Dialogue: Manager: We've made some changes to the project timeline. Employee: Thanks for letting me know. Please keep me in the loop regarding any further updates.
4. "I appreciate your input."
Acknowledging and appreciating the contributions of others is crucial in a professional setting. This phrase is a polite way to show gratitude for someone's ideas, suggestions, or feedback.
Thanks, Sam for the suggestion! I appreciate your input.
The company appreciates your input and expertise.
Dialogue: Team member: I believe we should implement this new strategy for the marketing campaign. Leader: That's a great suggestion. I appreciate your input on this matter.
5. "Let's run it up the flagpole."
When you want to propose an idea or suggestion for consideration or discussion, this phrase is quite effective. It's a creative way to introduce a new concept and invite feedback.
Do you think we can run this post up the flagpole with marketing?
I think we need to run a new payment solution up the flagpole with finance.
Dialogue: Boss: I think we should explore advertising on billboards. Colleague: Interesting idea! Let's run it up the flagpole with marketing and see how they respond.
Adding these five useful business English phrases to your communication skills can help you express yourself clearly, enhance professional connections, and navigate the business world confidently. Remember, improving your language skills is an ongoing process, but trying to implement new expressions every day can help you on your way there!
Exercise about the 5 Business English Phrases
Fill in the gaps with the correct phrases: "Let's run it up the flagpole." "I appreciate your input," "Let's touch base," "Please keep me in the loop," "I'll follow up on that,"
Colleague: Hi, Jane. I think we should __________ on the upcoming presentation. Jane: Absolutely, let's schedule a meeting for tomorrow morning.
Client: Can you provide more details on the pricing options? Professional: Certainly! __________ and send you an email with the information by the end of the day.
Manager: We've made some changes to the project timeline. Employee: Thanks for letting me know. __________ regarding any further updates.
Team member: I believe we should implement this new strategy for the marketing campaign. I have already started some research! Leader: Amazing! __________.
Colleague: Do you think we can propose this new design to the team? You: That's a good idea. Let's __________ and see what everyone thinks.
touch base
I'll follow up on that
Please keep me in the loop
I appreciate your input
run it up the flagpole